Harlequin hosts Cathedral User Group event
On 17 July, we ran a Cathedral User Group event in Leicester that was praised for being ‘informative and useful’.
A Cathedral sector workshop for Harlequin CRM users was delivered by Director Kate Ellis and Customer Success Manager Kirsty Morgan. The aims were to share our software development plans, gather feedback, and give insights into best practice and getting the most from our software.
We were delighted seven of our nine Cathedral customers sent delegates.
The agenda included:
1. CRM Review
– Recent updates
– Future roadmap
– Feedback on roadmap – what would the Cathedrals like to see implemented?
2. Managing Consent via Harlequin
– Reference files
– System management
– Adding data
– Extracting lists via queries
3. Managing Data – review of what we see on site regularly and means to support how data is controlled for effective reporting.
4. Design Module – following on from the Managing Data session, a guide on how customisable screens can be used to manage additional data.
Margaret Hammond, Business Development Manager at Ripon Cathedral Development Campaign Tweeted:
“@riponcathedral fundraising team attending @leicestercath for @HarlequinCRM training for cathedrals. Informative and useful info. @sheffcath @LichfieldCath @GlosCathedral @engcathedrals – at Cathedral Church of St Martin.”
Harlequin works with a broad range of third sector organisations and we have organised a variety of sector workshops and User Groups. More details of our next customer events will follow.