What drives a charity to invest in new CRM software?
When a new customer selects Harlequin CRM, we are always interested to hear their business drivers for investing in new charity software
When it comes to investing in a new CRM system, some organisations cite that they want to centralise information, streamline operations, unite teams and increase income. Most say that they have outgrown their current set-up and need better technology to help underpin their strategic goals.
Here we share seven customer responses to: ‘What made you start looking for a new charity CRM system?” (please click to read full story)
1. Damian Chapman, Head of Fundraising and Communications at the Police Dependants’ Trust: “In 2017, the charity launched a new drive to be Bigger, Bolder, Better – with a proactive approach to double the support we provide, triple our engaged audience, and double our voluntary income. We needed a CRM system fit for our future fundraising strategy that underpinned rigorous data standards and ensured compliant ways of working.” (Read dates)
2. Sofia Sheikh, Fundraising Manager at Paul Strickland Scanner Centre: “With a new strategic view and new staff in post, the charity aims to be even bigger and better in the future. To help realise our ambitions, we needed to replace a bespoke Access database that was soon to become unsupported – and I put this project high on my list when I joined the organisation in May 2017.”
3. Barry Floyd, Operations Coordinator at SpecialEffect: “The way our data and processes were setup was becoming unwieldy and I wanted to minimise the possibility for error as we continue to grow; I could see an established charity software product was the answer.”
4. Tim Moran, Operations Manager at Tiggywinkles: “How we accessed information was becoming far too complicated; we could not easily see what supporters and rescuers were doing for us or tie them to the animal they had brought in. We were running eight different Access databases for casualties, adoptions, memberships, collection pots and general donors.”
5. Kerry Huntington, Head of Fundraising at CW+: “We had become disenchanted with our old system as it did not meet our needs. It was important to implement more user-friendly charity CRM software to function across teams.
6. Claire Recordon, Marketing and Development Officer at Leicester Cathedral Charitable Trust: “We were outgrowing our previous system and the time had come to change. We have many long-term supporters and as a result of the Appeal, have many new ones – all of whom need to be looked after sensitively and efficiently to build deep rooted relationships.
7. Amy Woolf, Chief Executive of MS-UK: “We had outgrown our current database and have ambitions that will see us grow even further. We decided to look for a product that would support that growth and at the same time streamline some of our processes; a solution that would continue to develop as we do. We also wanted a system that would bring all our different functions into one place to reduce duplication and therefore save time and money.”
Click on the links to read more about how Harlequin CRM is helping our customers – or talk to us if you want to move on from your current charity software system.